Installation Ceremony Of Interact Club 2023-24


Installation Ceremony 2023-24

It was rightly said by poet Emily Dickinson, "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all.

24th July 2023 was a day of celebration, a day to come together, and a day to look forward to the future as Kulachians gathered to celebrate the Installation Ceremony of Kulachi Interact Club for the year 2023-24. 

The auspicious occasion began with a lamp-lighting ceremony to mark the beginning of a new journey. Respected madam Principal Ms. Sneh Verma, Incharge Ms. Charu Gambhir Bajaj, Headmistress Ms. Sunita Sindhwani, Club coordinators Ms.Seema Lal, Ms. Ritu Salil, Ms. Aditi Sharma welcomed our esteemed guests: President Ms. Rani Sohinder Nabha, Vice President Ms. Renu Gulati, Secretary Ms. Jyoti Dhir, Rotarian Mr.Vivek Katariya, and Rotarian Ms. Annette Aditi Tripathi with planters. 

The gathering began with a dance performance filled with vivacity by one of the Interactors, followed by the speech of the outgoing president who highlighted the club’s accomplishments and activities performed in the previous year. The address by Principal ma’am encouraged the interactors to be active members of the club, initiate activities and volunteer to bring a change in society whole-heartedly

To shed light on the theme of Rotary year 2023-24 theme “Create Hope in the World”, interactors Kaashvi and Kinjal presented a self-composed poem. 


Felicitation of the outgoing council as well as the best interactors of the year took place in light of appreciating their hardworking and resilient efforts throughout the year.

The lively music performance by a group of interactors added to the zeal and left the audience truly mesmerized.


The day proceeded with the installment of the new

council, with Kaashvi Marwah, Class XI  being

announced as the new president for the year



 The newly elected team took the oath for performing their responsibilities dutifully. 

Our guest, Rotary President Ms. Rani Sohinder

Nabha addressed the audience and motivated

the students to keep the motto of

"service above self" alive.

Rotarian Vivek Kataria not only enlightened
the students by composing an on-the-spot poetic composition with the
the help of ChatGPT but also highlighted
the potential of such AI technologies.
His humor surely added a beaming smile to
the face of every interactor.
The ceremony concluded with the singing of the
National Anthem.


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